Phoenix Racing Club joins the SRCU-Group
Posted: 2018-12-13 23:26:50

As of today, the PRC is represented in the Sim-Racing-Communities-United Group.
For now, NihonTiger and xPsychedelix are our representatives on the SRCU-Discord, but all PRC-Members are welcome to join as Drivers.
See a short Description of what the SRCU is about,below:

Acting as a Central Hub where Sim Communities from all over the world can come and advertise their Championships and Special Events for all to see, in an organised fashion. Covering all popular Sim Racing Titles that are on the PC Market.

By joining as a player, you will gain access to daily events / championships from a variety of clubs allowing you to fill your own schedule with some great clean racing with like-minded players.

By joining as a community/group/club, you will gain access to potentially like minded players and the ability to advertise/showcase your events for all other members / communities to see, which in turn means fuller grid's and perhaps even future collaborations / cross club events etc.

Bringing all communities together can only be a win-win for both clubs and players alike.

To Join, Simply click the discord link below, additional info will be provided in the welcome section.